I checked out of the hostel today, only to discover that my car didn't start. Just the way to start the morning. I had to find someone to help me jump it.

I set out for Rocky Mountain National Park, passing through Boulder. It's really nice. One minute you're mechanically pulling into a parking lot and walking toward a restaurant, then you turn around and see the Rockies standing over you.


I continued to Estes Park just outside of Rocky Mountain. The lady at the Estes Park visitor center advised me that most of the lodging in the area was booked due to the busy time of year, but pointed me to a few potential options, one of which panned out. I am sleeping at Elk Lodge RV Park right now.

It has a really nice view. Here is the view I see outside my car window as I fall asleep tonight (from a slightly different angle):


Not far from me an older couple with a foreign accent were making dinner outside their RV. I asked what they were making and long story short I was invited to join them for dinner. The husband's name was Jacob, and the wife's name was something starting with an S that I'd never heard before. They were both 58 and they were on vacation from Holland. And they loved American sports. Their first trip to the U.S. they went to L.A. to watch a baseball game, then San Francisco to watch a baseball game, then back to L.A. to watch another baseball game.

They were scandalized that some people are more entertained by the Super Bowl ads than the football.

I also went to a Rocky Mountain visitor center, where the ranger advised me on the hikes in the park. I have decided to do Flattop Mountain, and I will have to wake up at 4 am tomorrow so that I can make it into the park before 5 am because any later and you need a reservation for timed entry.

Wish me luck.

Please send comments to blogger-jack@pearson.onl.