I visited my cousin Michael in Madison today. We visited the National Mustard Museum.

Lots of mustard from around the world. Behold, mustard with Cognac:


And a theater with a film about mustard which was, oddly, not totally packed.


We went to tennis "open play", run by the city. But it was a little odd. There were three factions on the block of eight tennis courts. The competitors:

  1. An organization teaching tennis lessons. Courts occupied, 4.
  2. Six very serious tennis players competing for league ranking. Courts occupied, 3.
  3. The people who showed up for "open play". Courts remaining, 1.

It was a little strange. In addition to Michael, his buddy, and I, only two people showed up for open play. So 5 people.

We made it work. But Michael and friend decided not to come back.

Dinner was served at Essenhaus. Cheese curds, a pretzel plate, a wienerschnitzel, and more. Michael's girlfriend and two other friends joined us.

Of couse we had to have some German beer. A wizard hat was included.

Please send comments to blogger-jack@pearson.onl.